This tutorial will provide instructions on how to route bit torrent application specific traffic through a SOCKS5 Proxy server.
Note: All StarVPN plans include instant access to a SOCKS5 Proxy server. If you haven’t done so already,please visit our pricing page and select a service plan.
Technical Level
- Beginner
- No Software to install
- Masks your source IP and Geographical Location
- Does not affect speeds of other applications running on the same OS
- Super fast downloads
- No Data Encryption
Step 1 – Add SOCKS Authorized IP’s
To use the SOCKS Proxy, add the IP address you would like to use to access the SOCKS Proxy server. Enter the SOCKS Proxy Endpoint into your Proxy Application and connect without User Authentication.
Step 2 – Choose your IP Type
Choose the type of IP you want to connect to. Options include – Static Residential, Mobile, Rotating or Datacenter. Once the selection is made, choose the Country, Region and ISP respective to the IP Type category you wish to connect to.
Step 3 – Configure SOCKS5 Proxy server in UTorrent
- Fire up the uTorrent application on your PC and navigate to “Options” -> “Preferences“
Next, select “Connection” from the left navigation menu and enter the following information:
- Proxy Server Type: SOCKS5
- Proxy: proxy.starvpn.com
- Port: 51313
- Authentication: Disabled
- Username: (Leave Blank)
- Password: (Leave Blank)
Step 4 – Create auto restart scheduler for uTorrent
As of the publishing date of this tutorial our version of uTorrent (3.5 build 43916) experience persistent issues with connection timeouts when trying to connect to trackers or peers. There seems to be a known issue in the community in part due to the way uTorrent handles socket transactions to the SOCKS5 proxy server. A stale connection must be dropped by simply restarting the uTorrent application before being able to connect following a previously successful connection.
As a workaround, we put together a process to automatically restart uTorrent using Windows Scheduler service.
- From your Windows desktop open notepad and create a batch file named “utorrent-reload.bat” with the following contents:
start C:\Users\foobar\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe /minimized
- Save the file to a preferred location. For example we saved it in “C:\Users\username\Documents\utorrent-reload.bat”
- From your Windows desktop, right click “My Computer” and select “Manage”
- Select “Task Scheduler” from the “System Tools” Category
- Locate the “Actions” menu category on the far right of the screen and select “Create Task“
- Select the “General” tab and name your task “uTorrent-Reloader”
- Next, select the “Triggers” tab then click “New”.
Enter the following information to create the new trigger:
- Begin the task as: On a Schedule
- Settings: Daily
- Repeat task every: 4 hours (configurable)
- For a duration of: Indefinitely
- Enabled: true
- Next, select the “Actions” tab and click “New“. From the Action drop down menu select “Start a program” then browse for the script you created in step 2.2 – “C:\Users\username\Documents\utorrent-reload.bat”
- Click on “OK” to save your new scheduled task
Step 5 – Validation
From the Task Scheduler Library run your new task to ensure its configured properly and the program starts up correctly. You will see a uTorrent icon on the system tray once it starts running. To run the task simply right click and select “run“.